Saturday, April 15, 2006

And today it begins.....

So I do suppose that I have ignored this trend for as long as possible. I was very resistant to start a blog. I mean, really, who reads this crap anyway. Nonetheless, this is the new communication medium and it is far easier than writing, researching, and submitting an article to be published. As many of you know, I am far to busy to do that at this point in time, so instead I can share my perspective with all of you in a free and easy format. My intention is to address the issues of the day through my own eyes. To perhaps share a new opinion or give a different perspective from the other sources you may read.

There are so many things going on in our world everyday, and unfortunately, we have been trained to ignore the vast majority of them. We have our own lives, work to be done, children to feed, houses to clean, and occasionally recreation to enjoy. All of this is well and good, but as I grow older and progress both in my personal and professional lives I have found that there is still a large part of me that is unsatisfied. I know that I will not be the man to cure AIDS, to bring about peace in the Middle East, or to foster the next great technological revolution. However, I do believe that I have something to contribute to our society and am terribly frustrated at my current path. As many others have, I have fallen into the trap of the everyday. I now find myself at a job that was never intended to be a career. I have to wonder how many great thinkers, artists, and innovators are stuck in the trap of the everyday. How many have sacrificed their hopes and dreams and instead settled for a life of comfort without rewards.

My goal is to bring about a change to my current dilemma, to come out of the cave and run towards the light. This blog will chronicle my hopeful move from frustration to fulfillment. I have a passion for current events and for the political process in all its glory and deceit. I want to share the passion and believe that I can have an impact on someone at the end of the day. I have to say, that I am not optimistic, however, I do believe in perserverance and persistence, and that with the billions of people who live on this planet at least one person has to find this entertaining or amusing.

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