Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I Am Thoroughly Disgusted!

It seems that I have picked a fine time for my triumphant return to the bloggisphere. I return because I could no longer ignore the hoards of adoring fans marching in the streets, the mountains of letters and post-cards, and the occasional pair of lace panties that seem to be piling up in my parlor room (okay so I don't really have a parlor room...but I don't really have any adoring fans either, so that former seems to be a mere technicality in comparison with the latter). Unfortunately, for me, and I suppose ultimately for you (if you are actually reading this), I find myself yet again thoroughly disgusted with all things having to do with current events, public policy, politics, stupid whales, lost puppies, and last but most putrid of all Paris Hilton. This final piece of my disgust (think the dirty tampon atop a mountain of toilet refuse) leads me to want to compose another painstakingly boring piece on the current state of our news channels and on the pathetic state of our society as a whole. However, as I have taken the liberty of exploring that literary channel once if not many times previous to this, I shall spare you the rant and instead try to find something to fill the rest of this page that will hopefully reinvigorate you with hope, or at the very least make you forget about my earlier tampon analogy.

It is now summertime and along with summertime comes a myriad of problems from heat rash, to county fairs, however, amongst all of this suffering there is something that we should all be grateful for. No I am not talking about the end of the hockey season (yes professional hockey still exist), I am talking about BASEBALL. Now for the uninitiated let me take a moment to educate you as to why baseball is the single greatest invention (sorry ice cream-I love you too) in the history of not only this fine (but misguided) nation that we live in, but in fact, in the history of the world.

Baseball is a purest of games (even if everyone takes steroids...which i think they should...get big boys....well i guess that is a subject for another time). Yes, I know that football has become America's obsession (see earlier comment on misguided nation), but this is simply because the average American seems to lack the intellect to appreciate the nuances of a game that does not include ramming one's head into a 350lb giant (yeah, good thing there are no steroids in football). Baseball is a thinking man's game, a game that blends strategy with athletic prowess and that requires consistent precision. It is a game that could only have originated in America. It was likely the rally point for the winning of both World Wars, it helped bring us victory in Vietnam (we did win that war right?), baseball outlasted the Cold War, and ultimately it will give us victory in our war with the Axis of Evil (whoever the hell that is)!

Okay, so maybe baseball can't do all that. But take a couple of hours this summer and head to a game, maybe even pick up a scorecard. With all the things going wrong right now, from time to time it is nice to remind yourself of something that we do right!

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