Thursday, December 13, 2007

Candid Candidate Review...

I have refrained from commenting on the Presidential race thus far (which hasn't been difficult as this "race" has become more of an ultra-marathon). I have stayed away because honestly I thought it was too early to begin engaging in this process, but alas the first primaries are now less then a month away.

Over the next week or so I am going to review the candidates one at a time (well the Democratic Candidates anyway...perhaps we will sprinkle in some of the Repubs). I will share with you my thoughts on their strengths and weaknesses and how I feel about their platform and views. At the end of my review of all the candidates, I will announce my official endorsement.

I know that everyone is anxiously awaiting this news, so stay glued to your screens folks.

**A note to all campaign managers out there: I know your candidates are nervously pacing, waiting to see whom I choose to endorse. As you all know my words carry with them a great deal of weight, and the backing of untold millions in dollars and volunteer hours. Picking up my endorsement is tantamount to winning Super Tuesday and having the runner-up being linked to a gay porn drug dealer who may or may not be Osama Bin Laden's cousin. So fear not, I will certainly announce my endorsement well before the January 3rd Hawkeye Cauci.

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