Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Little Something about Nothing

It would be my sincere hope that if today is the first day you are reading this blog that instead of reading this post you skip down to some of the previous post. For hopefully there you will find something that resembles an intelligent thought. Or simply come back tomorrow, as I hope to return to some sense of normalcy.

I have been sitting here this evening trying to come up with something interesting to write about. Okay, so that is not entirely true, I haven't been sitting here this evening, as much as I have been sitting her for about five minutes. I guess I am not in the mood to bring my normal gravitas to the events of the day. So instead I do suppose that I can take up some of my time, and if your reading this yours, by simply writing about nothing. Nothing is such a fickle thing, however, and such a tough concept to embrace that I have all but given up on making it make any sense. Now lets be clear nothing is a very distinct and unusually coy concept that cannot be easily examined, much the less explained away. For nothing, as you all know is more than simply the lack of anything.

Now if one were to take the previous statement to be true, then you would still be left with the question of what in fact nothing is. This takes us to one of my most favorite quotes of all time "It depends on what your definition of is is." Wow, talk about priceless. If I were to talk double as much as he talked triple, than I would have to quadruple my words just to stay even. Ah none the less, it appears that I have filled up a couple of paragraphs with nothing, that is to say not the lack of something, but an entirely different thing.

That reminds me of a pet peeve of mine. I really cannot stand it when someone says that I have something just like that only its different. Now I am not going to be so elementary as to point out the outrageous faux paux in that statement, but suffice to say that it is difficult for something to be the same and yet different. Then again, what really makes one thing different from the other? Now to answer that question we have to examine the level that we really want to dive into such a random and entirely inconsequential argument. For to examine what makes things different is all in the eye of the beholder. Now granted that some eyes are better than others, the difference may in fact be something, or it may be nothing at all. Again please keep in mind that nothing and the lack of something can co-exist and share a meaning, however that meaning is completely different in each individual case.

Well I suppose that this incessant babbling has turned into complete rubbish, and my circular logic has become quite square by now. With that in mind I bid you all a fair evening, keep doing what it is you do, don't do, or do nothing, for as we have illustrated above, it really just doesn't matter.


Oberon said...

......i'm changing the world....you can too.....keep going.

Anonymous said...

wow...... this is why i love you

Anonymous said...

Nothingness has meaning, in an openly empty sort of way. If one is to lose, not all is lost, but is something missing? Yes. Is it incomplete, or just a lack of solidity.