Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Where's the Beef???

Perhaps one of the best advertising campaigns ever produced was Burger King's famous "Where's the BEEF?". As I sit watching the increasingly drawn out speech by Sarah Palin I am struck with one question: Where's the Beef? Yes, she can speak in English (take that Bushie) and she is a mother of five (considered a true prerequisite for any national office) and yes it is possible that if we can ever get her to take the bobbi pins out of her hair that she would in fact be the hot mom that all the kids drool over (okay I am done with my chauvinistic comments for the evening), but despite all this there still seems to be a lack of any kind of substance. In a speech that lasted nearly forty-five minutes she mentioned only one specific policy goal. Now please someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that energy independence through wind, solar, and other renewable sources seems to be one of the key components to another party's platform.

Okay, so there was no real mention of issues in the speech. That's okay, we learned lots about Sarah Palin. We learned that being the mayor of a town with fewer people then my high school prepares you to lead the free world. We learned that being the governor of a state with more caribou (well at least until they open up ANWAR for drilling) then people certainly makes you qualified to deal with other world leaders. We learned that it is completely inappropriate for the "left wing media" to make mention of her family, however, it is great to use them as props for political gain. All-in-all we learned a lot about Mrs. Palin tonight, she taught us the difference between a pit bull and a Republican Veep candidate....just a little lip stick.

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