Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Barack Obama's Inauguration Address ....

...well not really, but this is what I would tell him to say:

My Fellow Citizens,

As we stand together today as Americans and participate in one of the most awesome events that mankind has ever witnessed, the peaceful transformation of power from one President to the next. I ask you to take a moment to reflect on the road we have traveled, the trials we have overcome, and the battles we have fought and won. From protecting ourselves against hellbent extremist, to defending the world against those who wish to strip away our freedoms, our democracy, and our very way of life. For over 200 years this nation has served as a beacon of hope to those who long for a better life, and an impenetrable deterrent to those who would like nothing more than to enslave free men.

Yesterday we celebrated a national holiday in honor and remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King. This man who served his country dutifully, honorably, and gave what can only be described as the last full measure of devotion to the cause of civil rights for all of us.

Dr. King spoke of a dream, a dream that was born out of hope for the future, not just for blacks, or for whites, but for us all as Americans. He spoke not of the stain of slavery, not of the shackles of the past, but of the rights of all men, of the hope of the future, and of the true power of this great democracy.

Today, as we stand amidst turmoil and uncertainty in the world, I say to you as Americans, once again, that we shall overcome. We have not lost our resourcefulness, we have not forgotten our determination, and we have not abandoned our principles. The essence of the American spirit was forged in the battles of the Revolution, through the assertion of man's natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We upheld our moral imperative and strengthened the Union by defeating the scourge of slavery. And in the 20th century we set an example of leadership for all the world to see.

So now we look forward. We look forward to a world of marvelous possibilities, and sobering threats. The next decade will bring us extraordinary achievement in sciences, medicine, technology, and trade. As a nation that never has rested on its laurels we will be at the forefront of these great discoveries. We will reach for the stars with ever greater fervor, knowing that they have never been so near our grasps.

And I say this now to the enemies of freedom, the enemies of democracy, the thugs, despots, and cowards who wish us harm: These United States of America will not back-down from what is right, will not acquiesces to the whims of the selfish and unsavory, and will not now nor ever cease in our defense of democracy and freedom.

It is time for a new page in our history. A new generation is emerging to assume this mantle of leadership. Never before have we had so many grand ideas, tremendous plans, or great minds. We will harness the power of our people, the power of that elusive homegrown trait we call "American Ingenuity".

My friends, now is the time to move forward, to improve not just the country we live in in but the world. Now is the time to fight poverty, improve education, and reverse climate change. Now is the time to create new jobs, new industries, and new opportunities for all, rich and poor, black, white, brown, Asian, African, and Latino.

The time has come to re-establish the relationships with our global neighbors that will help keep us safe and prosperous. We will model the way, we will speak with our words, but scream with our actions. There is no doubt that America is the greatest nation in the world, and it is our duty to live up to that mandate.

This means each of us must take on the responsibility of living up to what it truly means to be an American, just as our country must live up to it's reputation in the world. There will be challenges. There will be set backs and tribulations. But we will conquer these challenges together, unified in our love for our country, our insatiable desire to advance humankind.

Let us go forth from this moment in time, each armed with clarity of thought and purpose of action. This nation was not built by one, but by many. Now is our time to write the lines of history that will reverberate for generations to come. Now is the time for the next great generation. Throughout history we have always answered the bell, always been willing to solve the difficult problems, overcome the insurmountable obstacles, and answer the unanswerable questions. Now is one of those times, time for us to raise the bar, to do the unimaginable; to be Americans.

I pray that God put purpose in each of our hearts, so that all can go forward from this place, may God bless you, and may god always bless America.

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